Monday, February 21, 2011

Taste After Septoplasty

My second T3 kill, or honor in lowsec

I wanted to run yesterday with my new Wili Cyclon concept and took something from the land. Unfortunately there was no way for a long time right Fight, ne Nightmare + Legion, I have not considered appropriate. Almost arrived in the main system, I'm gone a little rats (always have to pay again to my SecStatus). The Hurricane a reasonably well-known chars I had always seen auf'm scan, but thought that this might be a good opportunity Fight.

In a belt I went to a Commander, when I had it half in the Hurricane Armor Belt came in and I immediately had his ECM drones on me and was blind, as I was able to aufschaklten what my cap was pretty much all. It was like it had come - had little trouble in handling even went down and my Cyclone .

I rose to a new home and Cyclone, to adjust the fitting short and clean and EC-300 drones (forget the Warriors, in a BC-Fight). Again, the three jumps back to my fight partner and hit him in if he'd fancy a rematch. In short, Planet XII to zero we begin Fighter and this time run much better for me. When his Shield tended to 0 I had a disco.

Super! With the ship's loss I had abgefunnden ever but if I will still geppodett, is extremely expensive. Sweats.

I loge again and hear what my wooden eye. My Cyclone is Struck in 50%, but no longer fully geneutet gescramblet. We chat and he said he would not kill me. My question is, what do we do now, he said I go Repp. Prima in 2 minutes on back Plani.

Even earlier there again, I was waiting for him. However, Loki jumped for joy and a agresst immediately. I align and throw my EC-300 on the Loki. They meet again very soon and I go into Warp. In my rearview mirror I saw him on this Reinwarpte time. What to do? I want to piss a 1on1 scam with Loki and a Hurricane a Cyclone? But he would zap me so simply in disco can ^ ^.

he wrote in the chat, I will come back and help him. Well, an attempt is worth it. I arrived, turned both on and yes the fight. I Greiff also the Loki and bring still got some damage, they still wanted to run away, I still overheated briefly MicroWarpdrive and around the Loki it happened. My Fighpartner remained somewhat 15% Armor - good that I returned.

We left it in these fights.

He did not kill the Disco and I do not kill him, after we had made the Loki finished. A 1on1 with him, I can only recommend - fair but extremely tough.


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