Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hepatitis A Difference Between

be my valentine!

Wow, 150 readers! There are now quite a lot of hearts! Soon, Valentine's Day. And for Valentine's Day is bought one thing - flowers! Now there are in addition to chocolates and cards are many other beautiful things us sweeten Valentine's Day. After the 2nd World War II was officially introduced Valentine's Day in Germany, and since the red roses on Valentine's Day is twice as expensive. In Cologne, there are now well into a beautiful custom, which is based on an Italian tradition. Lovers hang together a simple, often provided with the names of the lovers padlock on the Hohenzollern Bridge and then toss together the key into the Rhine. Love must be as eternal. But perhaps you or the Rhine or a bridge nearby. Then maybe when I select something for you or your loved ones?


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