Friday, January 14, 2011

When Do Hiv Rashes Appear

earth is so not living & more!

I'm a fan of the Living & More . I read it like that shown houses and apartments individually and find inspiring, delicious recipes and great accessories. I subscribed to the magazine and look forward each month when it is in the mail box. Sometimes I buy the special issues and when I in the magazine rack in a special issue of Living & More 've found 101 creative decorating ideas landed the issue, of course, in the shopping cart! View When I then found that I found the majority of the article very well known. And actually - A bit has changed the layout, exchanged a few pictures, but most items the same (or the same?) Are as in its issue of January 2010. I once browsed through the entire magazine in 2011, but found no evidence that it is merely a revised edition release. It bothers me.

I earn any money with my blog. Nevertheless, I put a lot of time in research and also the layout. I have to write the claim for you about current and interesting topics. I would not get the idea to publish the same post twice, just because one is intervening year. And from a magazine for which I pay, I expect this too! The

had now be said! So!


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