The cost Corp. colleagues ...
do ... is necessarily set a clown "reusper" also clone in our home station (we can even go sniff in a WH, without losing the whole Implants - unfortunately happened).
prima Yes, I tell myself as only. So I can now needs only my remove to clean Secstanding of -4.9 to -1.99, so I überhaubt a lvl 3 or 4 agents of our hosts. To achieve that a Corp Standing of all eighth
Nice shit, but hey, after the ultimately more costly weeks is perhaps not unwelcome. Lately, I've tried a lot, mostly got the cap, but learned a lot and I think to know the next Skills and ships that I have to fly to something more successful in battle. We may explain and again a small hisec-Corp to war and some play in the Empire - there so I may soon go back.
really Pöser I will again if I have BC to 5. I think this is one of the most important skills and, above all, race-independent. Then we just have to see that the Corp colleagues then again, and we are more can fly together, because it alone is a bit difficult to tear something in our corner is just a lot going on right now and I'm still glad for it to come through intact.
Small Battle Report from us around the corner, with a small video of a CapKill.
So, until next post might go a little further, because of proselytizing, I would hardly write (always This daft Damsel).
PS: a little fun car I've still indulged: a Dramiel. This is really a horny part, but somehow all seem similar in size equal to the legs in the hand will increase if one comes with it. The first two kills with my Dramiel are then: Catalyst and Stabber .